Thursday 30 July 2015


I took this photo and for some reason, I really love it. I love the beautiful colours and the water droplets. I never new I could take these kind of photos, but here I am!

- Ethel

a little something

Dear world,

Have you ever experienced such joy that you can't help but cry? I love the feeling, but it is so rare and special, it hardly ever happens.

Do you have this one special person, whether they are just a friend, boyfriend, girlfriend or whatever. Do you have someone who always constantly is looking out for you? 
Who knows what to get you on your birthday and knows what your school timetable is. Do they catch the bus at our house even though the bus goes past theirs? 

Is here just someone in your life who is always there for you?

I didn't think there was, for me anyhow. But then, I realized. Yes. My only friend. Sometimes they are hiding better than you think they should be, sometimes you don't notice them enough. I have felt that I haven't been myself lately and now that I have realized that I do have such a good friend who likes me for who I am, I am overwhelmed by the wonderful support this friend has been giving me without me 100% realizing.

It might sound mean and hurtful but that is okay, because if you do have this one friend, they will know that you might be in pain or that something is bothering you. They don't have to talk about it with you, but if you or they choose to, they should listen. And s should you. Even if they don't say much.

Sometimes everything seems so bad, I know, school sucks for me but knowing that there is one thing to get me through my day is such a good thought. It could be anything from looking forward to the weekend or excited about what you might be having for dinner tonight. Either way, I know that the one thought that makes you happy can get you through what may seem like hell.

I hope you have a special someone who loves you for who you are because that is the most important thing in the world.

I hope this does some good for you.


Friday 24 July 2015

Can you give me some advice?

Hello, everybody!!!

How are you all?? I am so grateful, I have reached 99 page views!!! 1 more to get to one hundred!!!!

So I am going to put a post up. Obviously. But there a few things I need you to know.

 I am going to tell you the ten things that you need to be able to do to fit in at my school as a teenage girl. As sucky and pointless as it may seem, I think you should know. Writing this down should help me understand as well.

Here goes!!

1. As a teenage girl from my school, you need to be able to know how to pose like a model, even though its very unlikely that they will end up being models, you still have to know how to pose like one.
2. You need to look beautiful for everything, from waiting in line at the canteen to playing sport in the middle of summer. This also means you can't get muddy.
3. You need to have all of the branded clothes.
4. You can't eat fatty things because, you cant have pimples because if you did, you can't be a model. (according to the girls in my class)
5. You need to have every social media in the world because if you don't, how can you share your model looks to the world?
6. You need top have a hot boyfriend. If you don't, well, not's not cover that part.
7. You are not aloud to pay attention in class. You have to be a rebel and not even listen to the teachers who teach you favorite subject.
8. You have to have good reasons that you didn't bring in you homework.
9. Being a girl, you need to wear tons of makeup
10. You have to have all of this mastered to have friends. This goes for everyone.

There is nothing wrong with the rules unless they are overdone. Which, must people from my school do. They over do everything

Taker myself for example. I don't take selfies, but if I need to go in a photo, I do try to smile nicely or pull a face for fun. I don't care what people think of me, so I don't have to worry about number 2. as much. I do have some branded clothes. Not everything I own is branded though. I can eat what I want because I exercise. I have a few social medias. I don't have a boyfriend, but I have had one. I pay attention in class, but I am not afraid to talk to other people while in that class. I am the Queen of Excuses. Literally. Give me a scenario and I can give you a good outcome. I do not wear makeup at all. I don't need to hide myself like the girls at school do. I do have some friends. A few good ones and a few friends the I prefer to call acquaintances.

So the point of this post is, I need some advice. I really, really do and this is very serious and important to me. One of my friends harmed herself badly the other day. She is okay now. But having anxiety, I am super worried. I don't know what to do and how to handle anything. She also told me yesterday that she would harm herself again. She hasn't and she saw someone else to help today. I would love some advice. I am in a really uncomfortable situation.

What do you think I should do?

Thank you and I hope you are all well,


P.S I am going to post a picture. . . hopefully within the hour!!!

Monday 20 July 2015

New discovery


I took this today and I know its not amazing so I will post a better one when I have one.

I had to post this because I only just discovered that this was even possible. I was on the bus, day dreaming about food, then I went and got my phone out. I was about to take some awesome picture when I saw the time-lapse thingy, I just had to try, so yeah.

I must have been living under some big rock not to notice this but, I didn't notice either way!

I hope you are all well, love you all!!!

- Ethel

Saturday 18 July 2015

MY 10 Things

Hello, everyone!! 

How are you all? I hope you are well! :b

DEAD SALTY FISH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!         
     ( sorry, had to get that out :b )

Happy to say, I have reached 87 views and I know it is a simple thing, but I am so happy!!!!! Thank you all so much!!

Okay, so I did say on, what was it? Monday, that I would publish the 10 Things about me. I am sorry I haven't done it sooner, I have been at school, trying whilst failing, to get back into the swing of things. 

But here I am, trying to do it today!! Here goes!! 

This is the 10 Things about me thingamabob!!!!!! :p

1- Nickname-- Ethel or Margo.
2- Eye colour-- Bluey, Greeny, grey. (no joke)
3- Hair colour-- Blonde and short.
4- Fact about me-- I am a tomboy :p
5- Favorite Colour-- BLUE and BLACK
6- Favorite Place-- Home
7- Favorite Celeb-- Chester Bennington, E.lockhart, Patrick Ness and Cara Delevingne.
8- Favorite Animal-- Cows. I love cows and lizards :D

9- Favorite song-- Burning in the Skies by Linkin Park.
10- Favorite book-- We Were Liars by E.Lockahrt, ( at the moment anyhow!)

There you go. I finally did it and I am sorry I took so long. 

Tomorrow, I get to go back to school. REWRITE. Tomorrow, I am forced to go back to school. My first week of school was pretty crap to be fair. Teachers were alright. People, as in my peers, were as bitchy as normal, if not worse. School only sucks because of the wonderful bunch of people I have to hang around. It is pretty sad but it feel like everyone in my year as butt-holes. They are all so rude and disrespectful as well as mean to not only me, but others as well. Only the girls in my group are mean to me though.

I want to leave the group but, how can I? It will only make things worse. They will get all snobby that I left. Then who would I go to even if I did leave?

All of my real friends don't go to the same school as me. They all go to All Boy Schools or different private and public schools all over the small city. I see them all on the bus, but I really miss them. 

Well, this is my randomist post yet! If anyone has any advice about leaving my friend group, that would mean the world to me and I would love to hear about your 10 Things.

My next post will be very much more enthusiastic and more. . . me. I just had to get all of the above out, which, includes Dead Salty Fish. 

I hope you are well and are enjoying the weekend while it lasts ( its not raining!!! )

Thank you all so much! :b

-Ethel      - -                  ;p

Monday 13 July 2015

10 things

Please tell me about you and if you have a blog. I would love to hear about you.

Answer the questions in the comments below as well. It would make my day :D

I will answer these questions as well by the way!! 

Have a good day!!


Last day of Holidays


Who ever you are, wherever you are, I hope you are well and have a good sleep ( having ) or have a great day.  ( having )

So today is my last day of school holidays. 

Tomorrow, I have to get up at six so I can go to school. Back into the crappy routine. 

So what am I doing today?

I am enjoying the last day of holidays which means I am visiting the couch, listening to Linkin Park- the best band ever, waiting to watch a movie and just searching through my tumblr ( margo-jay )

As it turns out, it's raining. BIG surprise there. 

I have to tell you guys that I love food.  I want you guys to guess what I had for lunch. Just because, you know, I am the random queen. 

It was unhealthy. That's the only tip. But it was homemade. But you can get it as takeaway. But it is a common good so you should be able to guess easily. 

I hope you guess. If you don't, what did you have for lunch? Food is amazing so you won't bore me by telling me every ingredient or the number of crumbs you had after finishing your sandwich. 

That's the thing about me. Tell me anything, ask anything, I won't judge you. I just LOVE talking and giving advice. And if that means that I will be talking about bread crumbs or cucumber slices, I will be more than an honored to listen.  

Thanks for listening to my random speech. I am going to post this picture I found on tumbr, and I want you to answer the questions too. Of course I will, I will do it in a minute or two. 

Comment and tell me what you had for lunch or answer the questions. 

Thanks heaps!!!!
